• Kawaii

quinta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2012

Hello Kitty Soup (Sopa da Hello Kitty)

So funny!

Hahah ameeei!

My new Dorama! (Meu novo Dorama)

Hey guys, well my new dorama has 16 episodes and it's called Playful Kiss.It's based on a mangá Itazura na kiss. It's a comedy. I'm still in the first episode but it starts in a very funny way.

Oie gnt.Bem, o meu novo dorama se chama Playful Kiss, e ele é legendado em português... aleluia é o primeiro dorama que eu assisto em português!
O link pro primeiro episodio é:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVod_iv5Cz4 

quarta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2012

Doramas- Love Rain

Korean Dorama


Love Rain depicts a pure love of the 1970s and a love from the present day. In the 1970s, Seo In Ha and Kim Yoon Hee, an art student and a shy beauty, met and fell in love with each other during college; but unfortunately their love was fated to never be.
Now in the present 21st century Korea, Seo In Ha's son, Seo Joon (a liberal photographer) meets the daughter of Kim Yoon Hee, Jung Ha Na, a cheerful and energetic girl whose personality is different from her mother's. At first, they both found each other to be a nuisance and troublesome. Gradually, their feelings develop for one another. In Ha was never quite gotten over his love for Yoon Hee, despite marrying one of her best friends, Hye Jung. He is over the moon when he sees Yoon Hee on the streets and the two reconcile and make up for time lost. Little do they know that their children are dating each other, and the greater shock comes when they announce their marriage to their children. Who will end up being together: In Ha and Yoon Hee or Seo Joon and Ha Na?

É um dorama koreano que começou a ser transmitida pela rede KBS2 em 26 de março de 2012 e terminou em 29 de maio de 2012. É estrelada po  Yoona, integrante do SNSD.

Kawaii Snack (Lanche Kawaii)

HI! Kon'nichiwa

Well today i've decided to post my kawaii snack.

Oie gnt! Esse é o meu lanche, mini sanduíches de queijo e presunto, biscoitos, mini panetone modelado, biscoitos tudo em miniatura e em um potinho.

Kawaii Barbecue (Churrasco Kawaii)


Well i had nothing else to do ( do not laugh of me plz) so i've decided to put togheter rice, barbecue and salad and do some kawaii crazy things, and the result is...

Oie, bem gnt eu não tinha nada pra fazer lá em csa então resolvi juntar arroz, salada e churrasco e fazer essa doidera. Bem eu tentei! Não riam a foto tá ai!

Stamp for Nails (Carimbo para Unhas)

Today I bought a stamp for nails.
It's not expensive but CAUTION you need to buy a special polish too.Very easy to do but u need practise!

(Hj eu comprei aqueles carimbos para unha, mas cuidado garotada tem que comprar o esmalte especial pra carimbar então o barato pode sair mais caro. Que raiva que eu to eles deviam ter avisado!Agora aonde eu vou achar isso? Buááá)

Why be kawaii?

Well, i've been thinking for a long time about that and since i decided to be kawaii i pay more attention to what i'm gonna buy or wear. So in this blog i'm gonna share all my  ideas to be kawaii without spend a lot of money and other stuffs.
Why be kawaii?
I think that  every one needs to find your own style, but you can mix two styles as well.
I've decided to be kawaii because it makes my life better, more fun, somethimes people might think you're weird but in true they're just jeanlous because they don't have courage as you to do what they want or they're just not creative or  have style.
As me, you can try to put kawaii things in your life easily and when you notice you'll be 100% KAWAII.
My name is KIKI and let's start our party!
わたしの なまえ あきら です